Yearly Archive:2017


The Edo State Judiciary will hold a valedictory court session in honour of Late Andrews Otutu Obaseki J.S.C (Rtd) CON, CFR, on Thursday the 17th of August 2017.

The Late Andrews Otutu Obaseki J.S.C (Rtd) was born on the 11th day of June 1926 to late Chief Gaius I. Obaseki, C.B.E, the Iyase (Traditional Prime Minister) of Benin and late Mrs. Imazogbonre O. Obaseki.

The Late Andrews Otutu Obaseki J.S.C (Rtd) attended Government School, Benin City from 1932-1936, Edo College Benin City from 1937-1940, Hope Waddel Training Institute Calabar 1940-1942, School of Agriculture, Moor Plantation, Ibadan 1943-1945, Reading University, England 1945-1948, London School of Economics (LSE) 1948-1951, Council of Legal Education, London 1949-1952.

He started his career in the legal profession as staff solicitor of Nigeria Building Society 1957-1958 and thereafter appointed a President, Benin Divisional Grade A Customary Court 1958 and was the supervising authority of Customary Court below Grade A; Benin, Ishan, Asaba and Afemai Division from 1960-1963.

He was appointed, Chief Registrar of High Court of Mid-Western Region from 1963-1964, Judge of the High Court in the Mid-Western Nigeria 1964-1975, Acting Chief Justice of Mid-Western State Judiciary, April to November 1970 and August to November 1974.

He was appointed as Acting  Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria from October 9th 1975. By January 1st 1977, he became a Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria till June 11th 1991. He was a member of the Body of Benchers from 1976-1991 and a Life Member, Body of Benchers from March 1989 till his death.

During his career at the Supreme Court of Nigeria, Andrews Otutu Obaseki J.S.C (Rtd) was the acting Chief Justice of Nigeria, July 31st 1987 to September 3rd 1987; September 19th 1988 to October 19th, 1988; April 1st 1990 to May 3rd, 1990.

The Eminent Jurist was a man of many parts, he was honoured with many awards. Until his death,  Andrews Otutu Obaseki J.S.C (Rtd) was THE Obaseki of Benin Kingdom.

Press Release










The general public is hereby notified that in compliance with the provisions of the High Court (Civil Procedure) Rules 2012, the Chief Judge of Edo State, Hon. Justice E.F. Ikponmwen has directed as follows:

  1. That the Annual Vacation of the High Court of Justice of Edo State shall commence on Monday 24th day of July, 2017 and shall end on Friday the 15th day of September, 2017 both days inclusive. Full judicial activities would commence on the 18th day of September, 2017.
  2. That during the Annual Vacation, there shall be:

          One vacation Judge in the State who shall sit in Benin Judicial Division, to entertain only                         urgent civil, revenue and criminal matters.

  1. That the matters to be entertained by the Vacation Judge during the period, shall be fresh matters of utmost urgency filed during the Vacation and not connected with matters already pending in the Courts.
  2. That the Vacation Judge shall be Hon. Justice A.N. Erhabor of the High Court of Justice.
  3. That cases pending before the regular Courts may however be heard with the leave of the Hon. Judge in charge of that Court and by the consent of learn Counsel to both parties.

H. I. Enemaku Esq.,

Chief Registrar.




Members of the Public are hereby invited to tender for the underlisted items as items required by the Edo State Multi door courthouse. Interested applicants are to bid for the following items.

  1. Computers and all Accessories
  2. Photocopy machines
  3. Projector
  4. Flat screen T.Vs
  5. Generators (15KVA)
  6. Ox Standing Fans
  7. Ceiling Fans
  8. Swivel Chairs
  9. Executive Office Chairs
  10. Executive Office Table
  11. Single Office Chairs
  12. Book Shelves
  13. Paper Shredder
  14. Standing Mirrors
  15. Executive Cushion Chairs

Interested bidders are expected to come with the following:-

  • Evidence of registration with the Edo State Public Procurement Agency.
  • Evidence of Registration with the Ministry of Works.
  • Recent Tax Clearance Certificate for 3 years(2015, 2016 85 2017).
  • Certificate of Incorporation.
  • Evidence of past job done.
  • Bank Statement for the past one year.

Further information Will be supplied by the Chief Works Superintendant (B&M), Administration and Supply Department, High Court of Justice, Sapele Road, Benin City.

Tenders should reach this office, not later than two weeks from the date of this advertisement.


H.I. EnemakuEsq.

Chief Registrar.



Stop the Use of Miss, Mrs, or Ms in Court – CJN Tells Female lawyers

*Esquire title for lady lawyers in Nigeria

Chief Justice of Nigeria Walter Samuel Nkanu Onnoghen in open court today at the Supreme Court advised lawyers to stop the use of Miss/Mrs/Ms for female lawyers appearing in court. That Esq should rather be for announcing apperance with no other title.

This came about in two cases where female lawyers announced thier presence in court and added Mrs to it.

The Hon. Chief Justice also advised that where there are more than one person appearing, without title there should be introductory appellation- Messr wether female or male. But when only one person, name the person and use Esq whether female or male.

Renowned professor of Law, Prof. Ernest Ojukwu, SAN applauds the bold opinion of the CJN on his decision that the use of Miss/Mrs should not be used in court.

“This opinion is in accord with human rights. I have advised judges in the past that insisting that women should indicate if they are Miss, Mrs or Ms is discriminatory and debasing especially in the way the judges ask the questions”, Prof said.




The Government of Edo State is organizing a workshop for Judicial officers in the State. The theme of the workshop is “THE STATE OF THE JUDICIARY AND ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE IN EDO STATE”. The workshop is under the distinguished chairmanship of Hon. Justice S. O. Uwaifo, JSC, CON, and put together by the Strategic Planning Unit (SPU) of the Edo State Government.

The workshop is expected to take place at Randekhi Royal Hotel, G.R.A, Benin City from 23rd – 25th March, 2017.


Reception Party in honour of The Honourable, The Chief Judge of Edo State

The Etose / Isiemwenro Family of Isiemwenro Quarters, Benin City has put together a reception party in honour of their daughter Hon. Justice Esohe Ikponmwen (Nee Okuonghae) on her appointment as CHIEF JUDGE, EDO STATE. The event is bid to hold on Saturday 18th day of February, 2017 at Uyi Grand Event Centre, 11 Osagiede Street, Off Aideyan Street, Off Ihama Road, Benin City.


Under the distinguished chairmanship of

Hon. Justice S. Elaiho


Father of the Day

CHIEF S. O. U. IGBE Iyase of Benin Kingdom



Nigeria Bar Association pays a courtesy visit to His Lordship, The Honourable, The Chief Judge. Hon. Justice E. F. Ikponmwen

The Nigerian Bar Association, Benin Branch, led by the Chairman Ede Asenoguan Esq. paid a courtesy visit to The Honorable, The Chief Judge of Edo State on 13th February 2017. During the visit, the Bar Chairman spoke on behalf of other branches of Nigerian Bar Association in Edo State, he congratulated the Honorable, The Chief Judge on her well deserved appointment.

According to the Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association, he read through the speech made by the Chief Judge during the swearing in ceremony and commended the Chief Judge for the speech, he urged her to work towards achieving the content of her speech. The Chairman encouraged the Chief Judge to sustain the harmonious relationship that exists between the Bar and the Bench. The Chairman dwelt on other issues affecting the dispensation of justice in the state.

In her response the Chief Judge thanked the Nigerian Bar Association for the visit and also for the support shown by them during the swearing in ceremonies. The Chief Judge promised to sustain the harmonious relationship that exists between the Bar and the Bench and that her office is open to the Bar to make their own contributions towards the dispensation of justice in Edo state. She also promised that the opening of a legal year is a ceremony that must be performed even in the face of scarce resources.

The Nigerian Bar Association thereafter presented the Nigerian Bar Association diaries to the Honorable Chief Judge.

Present during this courtesy visit was Honorable Justice A. N. Ehigiamusoe, Honorable Justice E. A. Edigin and Honorable Justice H. A. Courage-Ogbebor as well as other principal officers of the Edo State Judiciary.


The Honourable Justice Esohe Frances Ikponmwen was born on the 22nd day of November 1954 to the family of Mr. Anthony Uwuigbe Okuonghae and Mrs. Dianah Oritsejolone Okuonghae (nee) Onaghise Ede. Both now deceased. Her father, the senior twin to the late Mr. Gregory Onasemwenkhai Okuonghae was the son of a police man, Mr. Erhunmwunse Okuonghae from Enyaengie, lgun and Isiemwenro in Oredo Local Government Area, while his mother Mrs Aikpitanyi Okuonghae nee Ovtowe of Ekekhen in Igueben Local Government Area. On the other hand his Lordship maternal grandfather Mr. Onaghise Ede a boat repairer or engineer (as her mother would want to call him, was from Uteh in Ikpoba-Okha area but lived all his adult life in Warri where he met her maternal grandmother, Madam Titi Magbeyiteren Ede of Ejutshe family Okere Warri. It is not surprising that it was in Warri that his Lordships father working as a Sanitary Inspector met and married her mother. Between her parents they have nine children, Asemota, Esohe, ltohan, Adeyan Osadolor Amenaghawon, lyobosa, oghogho and AiweriogheneTosan. It is on record that His Lordship being the first daughter was privileged and pampered in that her dad’s first wife, the late Madam Noruwa Osunde had no children for him for the many years before they were born.

His Lordship was never spoilt by the pampering she got from her dad who always drove her to Secondary School during resumptions and breaks whether for midterm or long holidays. The only time she recalls taking a taxi home throughout her years in Anglican Girls’ Grammar School, Ughelli (1966 – 1970) and High School in Government College Ughelli (1971 – 1972) was when the school was shut down abruptly in 1968 due to infiltration of Biafran soldiers into the State.

His lordship recalls her father doing everything possible to make her comfortable at school. In her days in Primary Schools in Warri and Sapele 1960 – 1965 her siblings and herself were the only ones and or among the very few that wore socks and sandals to schoo Mrs. Tosan Inko-Tariah, her friend from primary school recalls with nostalgia how they used to teased her for wearing shoes to school. Her Lordship remembers taking off her shoes soon after being dropped off in school by her dad in order to be like other children who had no shoes.

His Lordship excelled in her education and in 1974 was admitted to read Law in the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus and bagged a 2nd Class Lower Division Degree in 1978.

His Lordship was called to the Nigerian Bar on 17th July 1979 and did the National Youth Service Corps. In 1980 she was employed as a State Counsel Gd. 11 in the Ministry of Justice Bendel state and rose to the position of Principal State Counsel in 1991. She served in the Departments of Public Prosecutions the Civil Litigation after attending the 7th Advanced Course in Civil Litigation in the University of Lagos in 1987. She relishes the period spent in the Ministry of Justice where she was groomed for the task ahead by legal icons like the Hon Justice G. E. Edokpayi her DPP; Hon. Justice G. O. U. Okungbowa, her Director of Civil Litigation and also DPP; Hon. Justice J. O. Omorodion, her Solicitor General and Permanent Secretary; Hon. Justice S. O. Elaiho (Attorney General), Hon Justice S. F. E. Akhigbe (her Solicitor General and Permanent Secretary) and several others including her senior colleagues like the Hon. Justice Tinu Akomolafe-Wilson, JCA, Hon. Justice Rita Nosakhare Obaseki-Pemu, JCA, Mrs Dupe Ojo, retired DPP and Permanent Secretary, Princess Dr. Chief ododo Irene odaro, retired Solicitor-General and Permanent Secretary, other colleagues like Mrs. Bridget Nwaka, Hon. Justice Adama Iye Iyayi-Lamatanka, now Chief Judge Rivers State.

His Lordship recalls with nostalgia her prosecution of cases before judicial icons like the Hon. Justice J. O. Aluyi in Agbor High Court, especially the case of the State V James Ovia & Another and Hon. Justice J.O. Maidoh in Auchi High Court in the case of the State V Chief M.C.K. Orbih & Ors amongst numerous other cases.

At the creation of Edo State, there was a dearth of Magistrates in the judiciary and she was appointed Chief Magistrate Grade 1 serving in Benin City and Abudu. She was administrative Magistrate in Court No. 1 and was Vice Chairman Magistrates’ Association from 1992-1997 becoming Chairman when Mr. S. A Ehiemua, Chief Magistrate Grade 1 retired from service. In 1999, his Lordship was appointed to the High Court Bench and served in Benin, Ekpoma and Auchi Judicial Division. She was in 2002 assigned as ICPC and later EFCC Judge for Edo State and remained so till her present appointment. She has served the nation as Chairman Yobe State Election Petition Tribunal, Chairman Edo State Local Government Election Appeals Tribunal and Chairman Personnel Management Board (Management Staff Committee) of Edo State Judiciary. His Lordship has attended several seminars, workshops and training on the job both locally and internationally. She has many awards and is a Paul Harris fellow of Rotary International.

She is a member of some professional bodies like International Bar Association, National Association of Women Judges, International Association of Women Judges; J. Reuben Clark Law Society. She has been married to Chief Edward Osawaru Ikponmwen JP, FNIM, mni for over 40 years and blessed with five children Imuwahen, Osahon (deceased), Isoken and Esosa (Twins) and Ifueko and her nine grand children for now. She has fostered same children like Oghogho, Franca and Odion.

Her membership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is cherished by her.


Edo State Governor, His Excellency Mr. Godwin .N. Obaseki on thursday swore in Justice Esohe Frances Ikponmwen as the substantive Chief Judge of the state following the retirement of Hon. Justice C. O. Idahosa who retired on the 25th of January, 2016. Speaking during the ceremony at the Banquet Hall, Government House, Benin City, Mr. Godwin Obaseki said every government must recognise the importance of the Judiciary.

The Governor stated that the laudable achievements recorded during the Adams Oshiomole-led administration were due to the harmony which existed between the Judiciary and the Executive, He therefore urged the Chief Judge to bring to bear her wealth of experience in the discharge of her duties as a highly respected judge in the country.


Obaseki said that her choice as the Chief Judge at a time of great change in the state was remarkable as she “is known to be fair and strict in the dispensation of Justice’’.
He also urged the Chief Judge to sustain and improve the harmonious relationship between Judges in the state.
In her response, the new Chief Judge, Hon Justice E. F.Ikponmwen promised to build on the legacy of her predecessor and enthrone Justice in the state. According to her: “I promise to be hard working, ensure speedy dispensation of justice and stand for the truth; It is the truth that sets one free”.
“There will be no more room for corrupt practices in our judiciary.”
Hon. Justice Ikponmwen was born November 22, 1954. Until her appointment as the Chief Judge of the state, she has been a judge at the state High Court since 1999.


This is to inform the general public that The Honourable the Chief Judge of Edo State, Honourable Justice C. O. Idahosa will be retiring from service on the 25th day of January, 2017 and the activities lined up for the retiring Chief Judge are as follows:





A State Wide Tour Of Courts

Farewell visit to Courts


Prison Visit to Ubiaja Prison

Farewell visit to Courts


Prison Visit to Auchi Prison

Farewell visit to Courts


Visit to Children Correctional Center, Ugbekun.

   10.00am Courts in Edo Central Senatorial District, all Courts are to converge at the High Court premises in Ekpoma.
TUESDAY 17TH JANUARY 2017 10.00am Court in Edo North Senatorial District, all Courts are to converge at the High Court premises in Auchi.
WEDNESDAY 18TH JANUARY, 2017 10.00am Courts in Edo South Senatorial District to converge at the High Court Complex,

Benin City.




Prison Visit to Oko & Central Prison 10.00am



Inauguration of Edo State   MultiDoor Court House.

Novelty Match between the   Bench and the Bar.


Hon. Justice Isaac Aluyi

Complex, 179 Aiguobasimwin Crescent G.R.A.

Benin City.

Samuel Ogbemudia Stadium.









Courtesy visit to His Excellency, The Governor of Edo State with all Hon. Judges. 10.00am
Courtesy visit to the Honourable Speaker of  Edo State House of Assembly with all Hon. Judges. 12.00pm
Courtesy visit to His Royal Majesty, the Oba of Benin with all Hon. Judges. 2.00pm
TUESDAY 24TH JANUARY, 2017 Meeting of All Edo State Hon. Judges.

State Dinner



Conference Hall

Government House



Thanksgiving Service to mark the formal Retirement of the Hon. The Chief Judge of Edo State, from service. 8.30am St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Lagos Street Benin City.
All to be fully robed Inspection of Guard of Honour by The Honourable, The Chief Judge of Edo State. High Court Premises
  Valedictory Court Session


    The Chief Registrar,

High Court of Justice,

Edo State.

12.noon   High Court 1
  Luncheon/Book Launch


Compere: Terry Isaacs

Idahor Uyi Grand Event Centre.



The Edo State Judiciary on Monday 9th January, 2017 inaugurated the family court to exclusively handle matters pertaining to child abuse in compliance with the Child Rights Law 2007. The inauguration of the Court marks the beginning of the implementation of the Edo State Child Rights Bill which was passed into law in 2007 and was assented to by the then Governor of Edo State, His Excellency Prof. Oserhiemen Osunbor.

In his speech at the inauguration, the Hon. Chief Judge of the state, Hon. Justice Cromwell Idahosa, said the Child Rights Act extensively caters for the interest and rights of the child, adding that the family court would have exclusive jurisdiction to handle all matters pertaining to children in both civil and criminal matters.

“With the inauguration of this court, there shall now be speedy trial in matters relating to children’s welfare and protection, specifically from undue exposure and exploitation. The court will strive to provide families with the best possible outcome in child rights cases in accordance with the law and best global practices.”

The Chairperson of the Family Court Implementation Committee Hon. Justice H. A. Courage Ogbebor commended the Hon. Chief Judge for ensuring that the Family Court is inaugurated during his tenure as Chief Judge Edo State and also commended the former Chairperson of the Family Court Implementation Committee Hon. Justice N. A. Imoukhuede for her dedication.

The State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, who was represented at the event by his Deputy, Rt. Hon. Philip Shaibu, said if Nigeria could implement the family court, it would go a long way to address some of the challenges facing families. He gave the assurance that the State Government would support the Judiciary.

Also speaking, the Chairman of the state branch of Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Ede Asenoguan Esq., said the inauguration of the court would place the state among the few ones in the country that have established a family court to cater for the rights of children as envisaged by the Child Rights Law of Edo State 2007.The NBA State branch Chairman observed;

“We are happy that today, our collective dream of caring for the Rights of our children has been given a boost by this inauguration today. Certainly, our children are vulnerable and violated. They sure deserve better and I believe that no effort should be spared in ensuring that the Rights of Children are protected and enforced whenever or wherever same is breached or violated,” he said.

Goodwill messages also came in from the body of Senior Advocates of  Nigeria represented by K. S. Okeaya-Inneh  (SAN), SMILE (Sustainable Mechanism for Improving Livelihood and Household Empowerment), UNICEF, NAPTIP, NPDC, Edo State  Ministry of  Women Affairs & Social Development and Edo State  Children’s Parliament.

The occasion also witnessed the formal launching of the Edo State Family Court (Civil Procedure) Rules 2017 which is the applicable rules of procedure in the Family Court.

The Court is constituted by a sitting Judge or Magistrate and two assessors who are to be sworn-in by the Hon. Chief Judge of the State.